Thursday, June 14, 2018

#283: 18 Houses in the First 18 Months with Paul Thompson

Start slow—or take off like a rocket? When it comes to real estate investing, the choice isn’t the same for all. This week, our guest Paul Thompson made a clear choice: Rocket! After realizing the fragile nature of his six-figure salary, he set out to replace his salary with passive income—as quickly as possible. This led him to average a new home purchase every month for the first year and a half, and soon he had true financial freedom and quit his 9–5. This show is packed full of actionable tips, including some never-before-heard-on-this-podcast strategies for finding deals with the use of virtual assistants, Craigslist, and cold calling! This is one episode for which you’ll need to take some notes, so grab a notebook and let’s get into it!

Via Home Improvement

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