Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Guest Bedroom Picture Ledges are Done!

The picture ledge shelves in the guest bedroom are not only built; they are DONE!

Hiya, folks! Hope the time change didn’t suck you into the void of insomnia like it has me (ugh, will I ever have this sleeping problem fully resolved??). But, in other (and much more DIY-happy news), the picture ledges in the guest bedroom are officially COMPLETE!

painted picture ledge for displaying lots of art

I’m going to say that again, because it so rarely happens around the UDH: I finished a project.

  • Built.
  • Holes Filled.
  • Sanded.
  • Caulked.
  • Mounted on the wall.
  • Caulked again.
  • Painted.

Everything always seems like it’s in some sort of stage of completion around here. I usually get to somewhere along that list, but never all the way to the bottom. So this one is a moment to savor.

Picture ledge shelves that let the art stand out

picture ledge shelves - closeup

As you can see from this closeup shot, I built them a little differently than the shelves I made for the stamp collection in my office. Same general principle (thin 1x-boards screwed together), but I chose this time to go with a rounded edge and to make them the same color as the wall. This makes them almost invisible and lets the framed art be the star, but I like that I can switch up the order/size/quantity of the art whenever I feel like it.

The art, of course, is another story as far as its completeness. I still have to do some arranging. However, given that I have so rarely put art up on the walls around this house, I’m very happy to have a destination for the framed art I’ve been holding onto but haven’t had the patience to hang.


retreat by sherwin williams


painted picture ledge for displaying lots of art

I’ll show you all about the specific details of how I made them in a future post — this one is merely just me doing a happy dance that something was completed. This is kind of my version of “stopping to smell the roses” by not adding the plan-making part to my to do list yet. I also took video of the whole thing, including me building these guys on the floor of the guest room and painting the first coat in my  bathrobe, so that should be a good laugh for most of you guys when all is said and done. 😄

I figured a “real life” version of how these were made is the best policy, instead of trying to stage something like a pro. Many of the tutorials I see these days are done in pristine workshop environments or photo shoot setups. So, in other words, this tutorial will be for the rest of us who make it work, Tim Gunn style. Sawdust and clutter and all.

picture ledge shelves

Want other guest room related project updates? Be sure to check out the Dueling DIY series… every two weeks, I’m updating with full recaps of progress.

Speaking of roses and not to get completely off-topic (because that’s so unlike me, right? ha!), but the sun has been coming out and it has me very excited about spring. I’ve already planted a couple of things. These are next!

iceberg roses white and burgundy

That’s what’s coming up in the very next post, including more updates to the hideous non-garden on the side of the house (the one where I put in the cement slab for the trash cans last spring, if you recall). Any rose tips for this newbie before I plant? And do you have any spring plans yet, or is it still snowing where you are?

The post The Guest Bedroom Picture Ledges are Done! appeared first on Ugly Duckling House.

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